These PCs have been fitted with Intel's very latest generation 9260NGW Wireless Network card. It offers up to twice the data speed at 1.73Gbps from the previous 8265NGW card and has Bluetooth 5; this offers 4 x range and 2 x the speed of BT4 thus allowing connection to TWO devices simultaneously - a very handy feature. Dual enhanced 5dBi external antennas then also make this system perfect for use in wide office spaces or in homes with their ability to reach further and faster.
Powerful 7th Generation Intel Core i5 7500T Quad-core Processor with speeds of up to 3.3GHz, featuring the latest security technologies like vPro, SecureKey and Intel Trusted Execution Technology keeping all of your important data safe.
Massive 8GB of high performance system memory (Upgradable to 32GB) allowing you to have all of your essential applications open at once with room to spare.
A large 256GB SSD Solid State Drive ensures you have plenty of room to store all of your important files and applications whilst also allowing you to access them at a moments notice. Comes with Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit, the latest and most secure version of Windows to date.
Please note that this is an Used desktop, Tested ,100% working , 3months warranty(excluding battery) , if any issue we will exchange.